Unit 6 Vocab

  1. 3. A type of beetle that infests cotton plants
  2. 4. A process of economic expansion and contraction that occurs repeatedly. During the boom the economy grows, jobs are plentiful and the market brings high returns to investors. In the subsequent bus the economy shrinks, people lose their job and investors lose money.
  3. 6. African American soldiers that fought against the American Indians in the West.
  4. 8. A cattle theif
  5. 10. Spanish cowboys gave origin to the Texas cowboy
  6. 11. Unfenced land
  7. 12. Farming techniques, such as terracing, used in a dry climate to keep moisture in the soil.
  8. 15. Devices that use wind power to pump water from underground to the surface.
  9. 16. A person who cared for the extra horses on a cattle drive.
  10. 17. The land that forms the furthest extent of a country’s territory that has few inhabitants.
  11. 18. Meeting places of two or more lines of a railroad
  12. 19. Machines that separate grains and seeds from plants
  13. 20. Disease spread by ticks brought by cattle on the drives from Texas.
  1. 1. Railroad Railroad that runs across the continent
  2. 2. A large yard containing pens and sheds, typically adjacent to a slaughterhouse, in which livestock is kept and stored.
  3. 3. Fencing designed with sharp points
  4. 5. The process of moving a herd of cattle from one place to another, usually moved and herded by Cowboys on horses.
  5. 7. A breed of cattle with long horns
  6. 9. Violent disputes caused by the fencing of the open range between farmers and ranchers.
  7. 13. A government official or representative in charge of a department or district individuals
  8. 14. A mark made by burning or otherwise to indicate ownership.