Unit 6 Vocabulary Definitions

  1. 1. Canal the artificial waterway opened in 1825, linking Lake Erie to the Hudson River
  2. 6. Road the first federally funded national road project, begun in 1811
  3. 12. Henry Harrison was the ninth President of the United States. In 1841, he died of pneumonia after only a month in office
  4. 14. Trail the route to the Oregon Country used by wagon trains in the 1800s
  5. 15. an old Spanish mission building in Texas where Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged Texans in 1836
  6. 16. the right of states to limit the power of the federal government
  7. 18. Tyler was the tenth President of the United States, serving from 1841-1845. He accomplished little during his presidency due to quarrels between Whigs and Democrats.
  8. 19. Clay leading member of the House of Representatives for Kentucky under Presidents Madison and Monroe who spoke for the interests of the West, and who later served as a U.S. senator and Secretary of State.
  1. 2. Removal Act a law passed by Congress in 1830 setting up territories west of the Mississippi River where Native Americans living in existing states could be relocated
  2. 3. of Tears the forced migration by the Cherokee and other Native American groups from their southeastern homelands to territories west of the Mississippi River
  3. 4. Act an act passed by South Carolina that declared that the Tariff of 1832 unconstitutional
  4. 5. of San Jacinto an 1836 battle between Texans and Mexicans during the Texas war for independence from Mexico
  5. 7. the right to vote
  6. 8. to add on or take over
  7. 9. Party andrew jackson and his supporters called themselves the democratic party
  8. 10. system they practice of giving supporters government jobs
  9. 11. men a trapper who explored and hunted in the American West in the early 1800s
  10. 12. Party a political party of national republicans
  11. 13. Van Buren was the eighth President of the United States, serving from 1837 to 1841. He was blamed for the Panic of 1837 and the widespread unemployment and poverty that it brought and was not reelected for a second term.
  12. 17. Houston a soldier, lawyer, and politician, was instrumental in Texan independence and its subsequent annexation by the United States.