Unit 6 Work

  1. 4. to do something later
  2. 5. soon
  3. 8. a person who works a lot
  4. 10. a subject about books taught in school
  5. 13. sound wolves and dogs make
  6. 14. you are your own boss
  7. 15. to be responsible for sth
  8. 17. to talk about a topic with someone
  9. 18. a person who works for 40 hours a week
  10. 20. a bit
  1. 1. when horses walk faster
  2. 2. you can see this in the mirror
  3. 3. when you quit one job but haven't started a new one yet
  4. 6. you get this for winning
  5. 7. not doing anything
  6. 9. to turn up the soil before planting crops
  7. 11. except if
  8. 12. to make a high-pitched sound with your lips
  9. 16. to go to school
  10. 19. to get sth