Unit 6

  1. 2. corps:volunteer program run by the United States government
  2. 3. States health program for certain people and families with low incomes and resources
  3. 4. of direct action that involves one or more people nonviolently occupying an area for a protest, often to promote political, social, or economic change
  4. 6. frontier:used by liberal Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy in his acceptance speech in the 1960 United States presidential election to the Democratic National Convention
  5. 7. for progress:nitiated by U.S. President John F. Kennedy in 1961 aimed to establish economic cooperation between the U.S. and Latin America
  6. 8. wall:was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic, that completely cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin
  7. 10. baines johnson: 36th President of the United States
  8. 12. act of 1965:abolished the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act
  9. 14. F Kennedy: 35th President of the United States
  10. 15. test ban:prohibits nuclear weapons tests "or any other nuclear explosion" in the atmosphere, in outer space, and under water
  11. 16. line: point-to-point communications link in which a call is automatically directed to the preselected destination without any additional action by the user when the end instrument goes off-hook
  12. 17. commission: a group that investigated the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy that had taken place on November 22, 1963
  1. 1. opportunity act:authorized the formation of local Community Action Agencies as part of the War on Poverty
  2. 3. social insurance program, administered by the U.S. federal government since 1965, that guarantees access to health insurance for Americans ages 65 and older and younger people with disabilities as well as people with end stage renal disease
  3. 5. castro:a Cuban communist revolutionary and politician who was Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, and President from 1976 to 2008.
  4. 9. response:was realistic in that nuclear weapons couldn't be used
  5. 11. society:speech and program by Lyndon B. Johnson
  6. 13. authority act that an elected official receives from the voters who elected him or her