Unit 7

  1. 2. ability of an organism to survive and produce fertile offspring
  2. 3. type of evolution where different species with a similar environment have similar traits
  3. 9. type of speciation that refers to the evolution of a new species due to organisms in the same population being geographically isolated over a long period of time
  4. 10. type of structure that is no longer used in the species but may have been used in ancestors
  5. 11. an event where a random process that reduces genetic variation within a small population due to separation from a larger population
  6. 12. process by which populations of organisms become reproductively isolated and new species form
  7. 13. type of structure that is varied in species of common ancestry
  8. 15. organisms struggle with other organisms to get limited resources
  9. 18. an event that can contribute to genetic drift like natural disasters
  10. 19. change in genetic makeup of a population over time
  11. 20. diagram used to show evolutionary relationships amongst species
  12. 22. type of barrier that prevents members of different species from mating to produce a zygote
  1. 1. type of evolution when adaptation to new habitats results in phenotypic diversification
  2. 4. process where organisms with certain adaptations are able to survive and reproduce and pass on their adaptations to their offspring
  3. 5. role an organism plays within its environment
  4. 6. evolution of a new species that allows empty ecological roles or niches to be filled
  5. 7. represents the lineage that is least closely related to the other organisms
  6. 8. humans select desirable traits in species
  7. 9. type of structure where features of different species are similar in function but not in structure
  8. 14. type of barrier that keeps hybrid zygotes from developing into healthy, fertile adults
  9. 16. disappearance of a species so that no future generations will inhabit Earth
  10. 17. a random change in frequency of a certain allele in a population
  11. 21. type of speciation that refers to the evolution of a new species due to organisms being reproductively isolated from a surviving ancestral population