Unit 7

  1. 3. The nonjudgmental empathy and respect for another person.
  2. 6. The belief that the environment has more control over life circumstances than the individual does.
  3. 7. a situation involving a choice between two equally desirable but incompatible alternatives.
  4. 12. A theoretical view of human nature which stresses a positive view of human nature and the strong belief in psychological homeostasis.
  5. 14. a theory of emotional and motivational states by Richard Solomon stating that when you experience one emotion, the other is temporarily inhibited. With repeated stimulus, the initial emotion becomes weaker, and the opposing emotion intensifies.
  6. 18. a situation involving a choice between two equally objectionable alternatives.
  7. 19. a situation involving a single goal or option that has both desirable and undesirable aspects or consequences. The closer an individual comes to the goal, the greater the anxiety, but withdrawal from the goal then increases the desire.
  1. 1. Psychological forces which prevent undesirable or inappropriate impulses from entering consciousness
  2. 2. The theory by Sigmund Freud stating that our childhood experiences and unconscious desires shape our behavior.
  3. 4. theory that emotional expression results from the function of hypothalamic structures, and emotional feeling results from stimulations of the dorsal thalamus.
  4. 5. The stable set of individual characteristics that make us unique.
  5. 8. The theory stating that we are motivated by our innate desire to maintain an optimal level of arousal.
  6. 9. theory that physical changes in the body happen first, which then leads to the experience of emotion
  7. 10. personality test designed to let a person respond to ambiguous stimuli, presumably revealing hidden emotions and internal conflicts projected by the person into the test.
  8. 11. a machine that measures a person's physiological responses when they respond to questions. Also known as a lie-detector test.
  9. 13. The physiologic changes your body goes through as it responds to stress. Three stages (Alarm Reaction, Resistance, Exhaustion).
  10. 15. One's belief in his or her own ability.
  11. 16. The theory stating that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction, all of which act independently of each other.
  12. 17. theory by Albert Bandura which states that a person's behavior both influences and is influenced by personal factors and the social environment.