Unit 7 Crossword

  1. 3. was put in place to end The Black Codes enacted by southern states after the Civil War.
  2. 7. Political system where both the national and state governments share power.
  3. 8. What did Texas do in 1861?
  4. 9. was one long-term consequence of the sharecropping system?
  5. 12. Laws that were imposed on freedmen that limited the effects of the Reconstruction Amendments didn't allow them to vote, have weapons or testify against white men.
  6. 13. allows governments to Grant pardons, override vetoes and declare laws as unconstitutional.
  7. 15. The day the end of slavery was officially announced in Texas.
  8. 16. Southern states were mainly _____, this was an economic influence on the causes of the Civil War.
  9. 17. government in which representatives are chosen.
  10. 18. African-Americans were viewed as ____ in the confederate states' Constitution.
  11. 19. protected the voting rights of African American men.
  12. 21. this led to shortages of food, medicine, weapons and ammunition.
  1. 1. German immigrants’ supported freeing slaves.
  2. 2. ended the institution of slavery.
  3. 4. Northern states were mainly _____, this was an economic influence on the causes of the Civil War.
  4. 5. At the beginning of ____ southern states currency had little to no value, homes and land were destroyed, and food prices were high.
  5. 6. This freedom allows people to publish their opinions and information without the government stopping them. This may be through any type of media including the newspaper, radio, and TV.
  6. 10. One reason Texas joined the Confederacy was
  7. 11. A Major Source of Revenue for state and Local Governments along with Sales tax, bonds and fees.
  8. 14. The level of government that collect taxes oversee and administer law enforcement, oversee elections and provide services to rural populations.
  9. 20. the Battle of Galveston led to the loss of a key ____ for supplies to come in and out.