- 3. harmful toxins used to kill bugs in farming
- 5. rock material from which soil is formed
- 6. farming where farmer's produce is solely for the farmer's consumption, leftovers are sold on market for low profit
- 10. farming style that uses advanced technology, less labor intensive
- 13. the acronym used to fatten for slaughter, and uses antibiotics to prevent disease spread
- 14. the excess fertilizers can make their way to streams and rivers how
- 15. the horizon that contains broken rock fragments
- 16. the largest of the soil particle sizes
- 1. the horizon that is also called topsoil
- 2. the tool used to classify soil based on the relative amounts of each particle
- 4. the horizon that is also called subsoil
- 7. the smallest of the soil particle sizes
- 8. the layer that consists of decayed plant and animal material
- 9. soil forms as a rock undergoes which process
- 11. the farming technique that is primitive, uses humans and animals for labor
- 12. the horizon that contains only organic matter
- 16. the intermediate size of soil particles