- 1. Armored naval vessel
- 4. confederate soldiers so called because of opposition to the established government
- 5. Political theory that government is subject to the will of the people
- 6. Withdrawal from the union
- 10. to leave or withdrawal
- 12. Camera that used a glass plate to take photos
- 13. war of all aspects of the enemy's life
- 15. rights and powers independent of the federal government
- 17. Union soldier
- 18. States between North and South that were divided whether to stay in the union or confederacy
- 19. To free from slavery
- 2. Military person killed, wounded, or captured
- 3. Led union armies to victory
- 7. Tended to wounded and dying during the battle
- 8. conflicts between opposing groups of citizens of some country
- 9. United States of America of the Union
- 11. Confederate States of America
- 14. President of the United States of America during the time of the civil war
- 16. Reunite the country following the American civil war.