Unit 8 - Evolution

  1. 1. Changes in land forms result from slow changes over a long period of time
  2. 3. Geologic processes that shape earth are uniform through time
  3. 11. Measure of an organism's ability to survive and produce offspring
  4. 13. Natural disasters such as floods and volcanic eruptions shaped Earth's land forms and caused extinction of some species
  5. 14. Process by which one species evolves and gives rise to many descendant
  6. 15. Continued existence of organisms that are best adapted to their environment
  7. 17. Humans breeding organisms for desired traits
  8. 18. Body part that is similar in structure on different organisms but performs different functions
  9. 20. Feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment
  1. 2. Evolution of two or more species from one ancestral species
  2. 4. Body part that is similar in function as another organism but is structurally different
  3. 5. Isolation between populations due to physical barriers
  4. 6. speciation occurs suddenly and rapidly followed by long periods of little evolutionary change
  5. 7. Ability of a trait to be passed from one generation to the next
  6. 8. All the individuals of a species that live in the same area
  7. 9. Remnants of an organ or structure that functioned in an earlier ancestor
  8. 10. Elimination of species from Earth
  9. 11. Trace of an organism from the past
  10. 12. Organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspirng
  11. 16. Difference in physical traits of an individuals in a species
  12. 19. Change in species over time