Unit 8 Vocabuclary

  1. 2. / to put out, extinguish,end
  2. 5. / to spread throughout
  3. 8. / not usual, not typical, strange
  4. 11. / to grow,thrive,be prosperous; to wave in the air- a dramatic gesture; a fanfare of horns
  5. 13. / disobedient,rebellious
  6. 14. / to become or make less-a lessening
  7. 16. / inclined to argue or debate ; provoking, eject
  8. 17. / to turn bottom side up, upset
  9. 18. / happening or existing at the same time
  10. 19. / to force out form property, eject
  11. 20. / a reason for doing something; something that stimulates action
  1. 1. / a small part remaining behind
  2. 3. / cautious,careful,showing good sense
  3. 4. / easily reas
  4. 6. / a large scale distaster, misfortune,or failure
  5. 7. / to turn aside sharply - a sharp or sudden turn
  6. 9. / to establish by law; to order or command; to appoint as a priest or minister; to destine
  7. 10. / the central point or heart of a matter; a knob
  8. 12. / a violent attack; a sudden rush of soemthing
  9. 15. / to get ahead of, do better than, exceed