Unit 8 Vocabulary

  1. 3. A funny TV show.
  2. 5. Tom and Jerry is a ____________.
  3. 7. In this show, musical artists play their songs on televesion
  4. 8. news In this show, people talk about what is happening in the world
  5. 9. Participants must answer questions
  6. 10. In this show, you find out if it will be sunny or rainy tomorrow.
  1. 1. Shreck, Lion King, Frozen and Avengers all an example of a _______.
  2. 2. In this show, you watch football, basketball or the Olypmic Games on TV.
  3. 4. In this programme, you can find out about how animals live.
  4. 6. participants play games against each other.
  5. 8. In this show, the hose talks to guests.
  6. 11. Here, products are advertised.