Unit 9: Money, money, money!

  1. 3. To sleep longer than intended or desired
  2. 8. Money owed to someone else
  3. 10. To acquire something by paying for it
  4. 13. To advocate for or encourage the adoption of something
  5. 15. In a manner that suggests the occurrence of a miracle
  6. 17. A favorable purchase or transaction
  7. 19. To stand for or symbolize something
  8. 20. A large stack of hay, often used idiomatically to denote difficulty in finding something
  1. 1. A short, catchy tune used in advertising
  2. 2. A contract providing financial protection against specified risks
  3. 4. Highly prized or esteemed
  4. 5. A written order directing a bank to pay a specified sum of money
  5. 6. To remove or take back money from a bank account
  6. 7. A person who purchases goods or services for personal use
  7. 9. Money returned to a customer for a returned item
  8. 11. Shares representing ownership in a corporation
  9. 12. A memorable phrase used in advertising
  10. 14. To present something for acceptance or rejection
  11. 16. A written acknowledgment that a specified article or sum of money has been received
  12. 18. To transmit a message or program to a wide audience