Unit 9

  1. 2. Hughes/ African Author
  2. 5. Woman got new rights and freedom
  3. 7. Klux Klan/ New Klan
  4. 8. Renaissance/ African Americans national spotlight
  5. 9. The voices in the films and plays
  6. 10. fashionable young woman
  7. 11. illegal alcohol
  8. 12. Amendment/ making prohibition illegal
  9. 14. Type of music
  10. 16. Twenties/ exuberant lifestyle
  11. 19. trial/ Banned the teaching of evolution
  1. 1. society/ Cars, Parks, Ect.
  2. 3. Amendment/ Woman get the right to vote
  3. 4. Increased income
  4. 6. Scott Fitzgerald/ captured the cultural explosion of the 1920’s
  5. 13. culture/ Al Capone
  6. 15. Chaplin/ Made up actors
  7. 17. Migration/ African Americans moved North
  8. 18. media/ Being able to afford radio and Moving pictures