Unit A Section 1 & 2

  1. 3. when members of the same species live in the same area
  2. 4. when one organism benefits and the other is neutral
  3. 9. a type of competition for resources between species
  4. 10. when abiotic and biotic factors are in a shared environment
  5. 13. when one organism benefits and the other is harmed
  6. 16. reproduction that involves gametets
  7. 17. reproduction that involves rhizomes, runners, suckers, and tubers
  8. 18. the male plant gamete
  9. 20. traits that are not passed down from parent to offspring
  10. 22. when a smaller version of an organism is duplicated
  11. 24. when members of different species live in the same area
  12. 25. the role of an organism in an ecosystem
  13. 26. reproduction that usually involves only one parent
  14. 27. variation where there is a range of forms
  1. 1. when the environment favors organisms with characteristics that enhance fitness
  2. 2. the classification order of living things (first letter of each word only)
  3. 5. when a cell splits exactly in two
  4. 6. the joining of the male and female gametes
  5. 7. the female part of the plant
  6. 8. traits that are passed down from parent to offspring
  7. 11. when both organisms benefit
  8. 12. the male part of the plant
  9. 14. variation where you either have the trait or you don't
  10. 15. cell division in parents that is similar to seeds
  11. 19. the diversity associated with living things
  12. 21. the female plant gamete
  13. 23. when there are differences in characteristics of a species