unit crossword

  1. 2. spanish
  2. 4. badly
  3. 9. physical education
  4. 11. happy
  5. 12. math
  6. 14. to teach
  7. 16. fourth
  8. 17. art
  9. 18. exhausted
  10. 20. ill
  11. 21. english
  12. 22. schedule
  1. 1. to talk
  2. 2. in the...hour
  3. 3. first
  4. 5. third
  5. 6. busy
  6. 7. homework
  7. 8. social science
  8. 9. to study
  9. 10. sad
  10. 13. technology
  11. 15. to need
  12. 19. second