Unit Five Review

  1. 1. A vocabulary word meaning to do something thoroughly
  2. 3. Facts, statistics, quotes, anecdotes
  3. 4. A vocabulary word meaning with caution and without confidence
  4. 7. A vocabulary word meaning the postponement of a punishment
  5. 8. Punctuation used to signal a pause in a sentence, a list or make things easier to read
  6. 9. The title of a short story in Unit Five
  7. 11. An autobiographical account of a person's experiences and observations
  8. 14. The author's attitude toward their writing
  9. 18. The emotional atmosphere the writer creates for the reader
  10. 19. An educated guess based on what you know and what the text tells you
  11. 22. The author's position on a topic or issue
  12. 23. Interruptions in the chronological narrative
  13. 24. A vocabulary word meaning to praise
  14. 25. A vocabulary word meaning final or concluding
  1. 2. A vocabulary word meaning to limit or impede growth
  2. 5. A vocabulary word meaning to carry out a plan
  3. 6. A vocabulary word meaning to criticize
  4. 10. The sequence of events in a work of fiction
  5. 12. A vocabulary word meaning to gradually intrude upon or invade
  6. 13. The underlying message that usually emerges through an inference
  7. 15. The title of an argument in Unit five
  8. 16. The title of a memoir in Unit Five
  9. 17. Explanations that support the claim
  10. 20. A vocabulary word meaning extremely thin and weak
  11. 21. The title of a memoir in Unit Five