Unit Four Part Two Review

  1. 3. A slave and radical preacher who led a slave rebellion in 1831
  2. 4. "Remember the ___" became the battle cry of the Battle of San Jacinto after all the defenders were killed at the mission turned fortress
  3. 5. General who was probably the US's most capable commander who was nicknamed "Old Fuss and Feathers"
  4. 9. The movement to eliminate slavery
  5. 10. Former slave who was one of the most brilliant, most eloquent, and most radical
  6. 11. One of the most important reformers of the era who focused on prison reform and aid for the mentally ill
  7. 12. River that was the disputed boundary between Mexico and America that led to war (2 words, no spaces)
  8. 13. War that was the climax and the most violent phase of Manifest Destiny
  9. 14. Writer who delved deeper into the dark, tortured depths of man's soul
  10. 15. Christian who saw the importance of the public education movement and its potential for the gospel
  11. 17. Machine that cleaned cotton fifty times faster than slaves working by hand (2 words/no space)
  12. 22. One of the leading reformers in the drive for public education
  13. 23. Most important of the three main trails that reached westward
  14. 24. Commander who ordered the force holding the Alamo to destroy the fort and fall back
  15. 26. The ___ Ship differed from previous seagoing vessels by being the fastest sailing ship ever built
  16. 27. The most important and most militant abolitionist leader
  17. 30. 19th Century American transportation climaxed with the development of the ____. The first successful one was known as the B & )
  18. 31. This trail was more of a commercial route than a means of pioneer transportation
  19. 32. Individual who perfected the plow by putting a steel edge over the iron blade
  20. 33. Banning the sale and consumption of alcohol
  21. 34. This type of reformer sought to establish a small, perfect community that would serve as a model for the reform of society at large
  22. 35. With a stable of 500 horses and 190 stations, this stretched from Missouri to California (2 words/no spaces)
  23. 38. Individual who carefully memorized the construction of the textile machines and escaped to the US
  24. 39. Governor who began building a canal from Albany to Lake Erie, now known as the Erie Canal
  25. 40. Individual who came up with the idea of using electricity to carry messages over wire much more quickly and over longer distances
  26. 41. Writer who helped develop the greatest American contribution to world literature, the short story
  1. 1. Individual who made some 20 trips to the South to help lead more than 300 blacks to freedom
  2. 2. Now regarded as the birth of the modern women's rights movement
  3. 6. Individual who is known for his work with interchangeable parts and the invention of the cotton gin
  4. 7. Individual who led the 1st of many land-hungry American settlers into Texas
  5. 8. One of the most prestigious unorthodox religions
  6. 13. Individual who received the patent for the reaping machine
  7. 16. Treaty in which Mexico recognized American claims to Texas to the Rio Grande and ceded New Mexico and California to the US
  8. 18. An even more liberal, more un-Biblical philosophy
  9. 19. The first American writer to gain fame outside America
  10. 20. Considered the "dark horse" of the 1844 campaign, but was elected president
  11. 21. Literary type that rejected the balanced unemotionalism of the Federalist and neoclassical styles
  12. 22. The idea that America was ordained to possess the North American continent
  13. 25. The ministry of this individual led the awakening to begin to take a new direction
  14. 28. Purchase in which the US paid $10 million for a chunk of territory that filled out the continental US to its present boundaries
  15. 29. Republic that began a ten-year history of independence
  16. 36. Individual who invented the steamboat
  17. 37. The most important early American road was the National Road also known as the ____ Road