  1. 5. Each segment as an independent packet and delivers it to the transport layer at the destination machine is called_____
  2. 8. Which among the below specified design issues should not be minimized while designing the system of a computer network?
  3. 10. Which of the protocol at transport layer provides connection oriented service?
  4. 12. Layer Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing it to __________
  5. 13. Which of the following that a data field can carry?
  6. 15. An endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network is called.
  7. 16. To use the services of UDP, we need _________ socket addresses.
  1. 1. Which mechanism/s is/are extremely essential in data link and transport layers in accordance to operational services offered by the transport protocols?
  2. 2. Which among the following are delivered by the transport layer in process-to-process delivery mechanism?
  3. 3. _______ control refers to a set of procedures used to restrict the amount of data that the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgment.
  4. 4. Which among the following are uncontrolled and un-registered form of ephemeral ports in accordance to IANA?
  5. 6. layer Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing it to?
  6. 7. Which among the several transport services deals with the addresses, protocol utility class in addition to performance evaluating features of a connection?
  7. 9. Multiplexing done at _______ side.
  8. 11. Which among the following are delivered by the transport layer in process-to-process delivery mechanism?
  9. 14. A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point.