Unit One

  1. 3. number of different nutrients the body needs
  2. 5. holds 3 pints
  3. 6. according to 5 and 25 rule,5 refers to
  4. 11. helps body heal wounds and form blood
  5. 12. this is made of amino acids joined together
  6. 14. DRI stands for
  7. 19. starts digestion
  8. 20. carbohydrates,protien and fat are these
  9. 22. good cholesterol
  10. 23. makes up most of our solid waste
  11. 25. connection between food and health
  1. 1. ND means
  2. 2. an example of this fat is olive oil
  3. 4. besides information overload what is another barrier for healthy eating
  4. 7. percentage of protein calories per day
  5. 8. vitamins and minerals are these
  6. 9. percentage of carbohydrates per day
  7. 10. an example of saturated fat is
  8. 13. where 3rd stage of digestion happens
  9. 15. no more than 30 percent of calories per day
  10. 16. helps body use calcium and phosphorous
  11. 17. UL means
  12. 18. bad cholesterol
  13. 21. kidneys are in charge of this
  14. 24. this organ has over 500 functions