Unit One Definitions

  1. 1. when the narrator addresses the reader (or audience), it is considered ___ person point of view
  2. 4. the most basic form of a word that cannot be further divided into meaningful segments
  3. 5. vocabulary words about a particular topic, such as poetry
  4. 8. a comparison of two unlike things
  5. 9. a comparison of two unlike things using like or as
  6. 11. the feeling you get from the reading
  7. 13. giving an inanimate object human-like characteristics
  8. 16. another word for point of view
  9. 18. using language that means the opposite of what you mean for humor or dramatic effect
  10. 20. when the narrator is not a character in the story, the story is being told from a ____ person point of view
  1. 2. a word's dictionary definition
  2. 3. a letter or a combination of letters that precedes a root word to alter its meaning
  3. 6. the collection of feelings or associations you have with a word
  4. 7. a letter or a group of letters that is added to the end of a root word
  5. 10. language that creates a mental image for the reader using sensory descriptions
  6. 12. use of exaggeration to emphasize a point
  7. 13. a play on words based on two words that are close in sound but different in meaning
  8. 14. the attitude that the author takes towards a given subject
  9. 15. when the narrator is a character in the story, the story is being told from a ___ person point of view
  10. 17. a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
  11. 19. vocabulary words you might find in informational texts on many different topics