Unit One

  1. 6. changes in population genetics in which extreme values for a trait are favored over intermediate values
  2. 8. First individual to experiment and understand how traits are passed down and inherited
  3. 9. is a type of natural selection in which genetic diversity decreases and stabilizes on a particular trait value
  4. 11. The outward expression of the gene for a trait
  5. 13. Having two identical alleles for a trait
  6. 14. In 1859 this man published 'The Origin of the Species by means of Natural Selection'
  7. 16. A system developed to name all species (2 part name)
  8. 20. The ancient prokaryotes found the be very different genetically but used to be lumped with true bacteria
  9. 21. Scientist who is credited with beginning to classify living things
  10. 23. an organism's ability to obtain or successfully copulate with a mate
  11. 25. The change in genetic composition of a population over successive generations
  12. 26. division of organisms that ranks above a kingdom in systems of classification
  13. 27. An allele that is expressed when present (blood type)
  1. 1. The formation of new biological species, usually by the division of a single species into two or more genetically distinct ones
  2. 2. What farmers or breeders do when they are selecting for particular traits in plants and animals being raised
  3. 3. A version of a particular gene passed from a parent in sperm or egg cell
  4. 4. Offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, species or genera
  5. 5. natural selection in which an extreme phenotype is favored over other phenotypes
  6. 7. Existence of shared ancestry between pair of structures, or genes, in different species
  7. 10. Familiar prokaryotic cells that inhabit almost every surface on our planet
  8. 12. The study of embryos and their development
  9. 15. Having two different alleles for a trait
  10. 17. Species that evolve and change due to events like natural disasters or weather
  11. 18. The domain comprised of organisms whose cells contain a true nucleus
  12. 19. An allele that is only expressed when homozygous
  13. 22. Both of the alleles an individual posses for a trait
  14. 24. The chance or disappearance of particular genes as individuals die or do not reproduce
  15. 28. A heritable feature passed from parent to off spring