Unit Seven Part Two Review

  1. 1. Acronym for the organization formed to fight legal battles on behalf of blacks
  2. 4. Campaign slogan of Wilson in 1916 that was purposefully written in past tense (6 words/no spaces)
  3. 6. Warning to Germany to not attack any other passenger or merchant ships (2 words/no spaces)
  4. 9. Handpicked successor of Roosevelt when he decided to not run for a third term
  5. 10. Education that aimed to relate learning to the child's interests and make education more interactive and interesting
  6. 11. One of Roosevelt's favorite projects was the building of the _____ _____, which took ten years to complete (2 words/no space)
  7. 13. Engineer who perfected the assembly line method to mass produce affordable cars
  8. 14. Who Germany and Austria fought for against the Allies (2 words/no space)
  9. 19. Order that required all men between 21 and 30 to register for the draft (eventually expanded to 18 to 45 year olds) (3 words/no spaces)
  10. 21. British ship that was attacked and sunk by a German U-Boat in May 1915
  11. 23. Extreme pride in and loyalty to one's country
  12. 28. Term meaning the rapid build-up of a nation's military
  13. 29. Wilson's plan that he hoped would create long lasting peace after WWI (2 words/no space)
  14. 30. Nickname given to the American soldiers by the other Allies
  15. 31. Individual that argued that blacks could not truly improve themselves economically until they enjoyed equal participation as American citizens (2 words/no spaces)
  16. 33. Agreement between countries to support and help one another
  17. 34. Individual who had risen out of slavery to the presidency of Tuskegee Institute, argued that as blacks became more powerful economically, whites would be forced to accept them as equals
  18. 35. The most important urban evangelist after the death of D.L. Moody
  19. 36. Laws passed by southern states that required forced segregation (2 words/no space)
  20. 37. The expansion of one's nation's control outside of its physical border
  21. 38. Telegram that revealed Germany's desire for Mexico to enter the war for the Central Powers in exchange for regaining lost territory
  22. 39. Taft's foreign policy that was far less controversial than his predecessor's (2 words/no space)
  1. 2. Supreme Court case which decreed that "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional (3 words/no spaces)
  2. 3. Offensive that was one of the costliest military campaigns in American history
  3. 5. Treaty signed at the end of the war, one week after the Armistice was signed
  4. 7. Program led by Herbert Hoover to help with distribution of food and fuel for the war effort (2 words/no space)
  5. 8. Organization created to help nations come together and express grievances without future declarations of war (3 words/no spaces)
  6. 12. Movement that applied Darwinian evolution to Christianity
  7. 15. Clause Germany was forced to sign that made them accept full responsibility for WWI (hyphenated term, no spaces, include -)
  8. 16. Payments Germany was forced to make to the Allies that deepened the poverty and resentment in Germany
  9. 17. Individual elected as president in 1912 with the campaign slogan of "New Freedom"
  10. 18. Who France, Great Britain, and the US fought for against the Central Powers
  11. 20. Acts that said it was a criminal act to criticize the war effort in any way (3 words/no spaces)
  12. 22. Heir to the Austrian throne that was assassinated in 1914
  13. 24. Official document signed on 11/11/18 that ended The Great War
  14. 25. Supreme Court case that said Congress can limit free speech, especially during wartime
  15. 26. Nickname given to the leaders of the US, France, Italy, and Great Britain (2 words/no spaces)
  16. 27. Brothers who were the first to have a successful flight
  17. 32. Submarine Warfare that declared that ALL ships in the war zone could be sunk without warning