Unit Three

  1. 4. Proposed by St. Anselm, accepting of reification, it is representative of his attempt to provide a rational foundation for Christian faith.
  2. 7. razor The view that extraneous assumptions should be "shaved" from explanations and arguments.
  3. 8. A school of philosophy, founded by Zeno of Citium, claiming that the ultimate virtue consists of accepting fate.
  4. 10. The view that so-called universals have no existence apart from the individual instances that instantiate them.
  5. 12. The highest form of good is pleasure.
  1. 1. A school defined by the blending of Aristotle's philosophy into Christian dogma during the middle to high Middle Ages.
  2. 2. A believer in indisputable truths.
  3. 3. As proposed by Peter Abelard, a compromise view between realism and nominalism: universals exist, but only in the mind and not in reality.
  4. 5. The view that universals have a real, independent existence apart from the individual instances that instantiate them.
  5. 6. A school of philosophy, founded by Epicurus of Samos, based on atomism and prescribing moderation for happiness.
  6. 9. A school of philosophy, founded Antisthenes, advocating a back-to-nature philosophy.
  7. 11. A school of philosophy, founded by Pyrrho of Elis, denying all claims of truth and advocating a suspension of judgment.