Unit Two: Literary Terms

  1. 4. An entertaining story, often dealing with heroes, adventure, magic, or romance
  2. 5. Highly imaginative writing that contains elements now found in real life
  3. 6. Passing of songs, stories, and poems from generation to generation by word of mouth
  4. 8. A work of literature that results in a catastrophe for the main character
  5. 10. The wise saying at the end of a story states the lesson
  6. 11. Central message or insight about life
  7. 12. A brief story or poem, usually with animal characters, that teaches a lesson,or moral
  8. 13. A widely told story about the past
  1. 1. Usage or vocabulary that is a characteristic of a specific group
  2. 2. The background, customs, values, and beliefs of the particular culture and people who originally told the story
  3. 3. Process by which writers create and develop a character
  4. 7. Fictional tale that explains the actions of Gods or heroes or the origins of elements of nature
  5. 9. A short story intended to teach or convey a moral truth; related to a culture's religious or spiritual beliefs