
  1. 2. System whose output depends on any number of past output values
  2. 4. In FIR systems, for linear phase response, the impulse response should be
  3. 8. System whose output depends only on present and past input values
  4. 9. Direct form-II realization of discrete-time systems uses less number of ________ than direct form-I realization
  5. 10. System whose impulse response consists of finite number of samples
  6. 11. For a causal LTI system to be stable, the ROC of the system function must include
  7. 13. We cannot obtain a _________ sided sequence by long division
  8. 14. For a causal LTI system to be stable, all the poles of H(z) must lie _______ the unit circle in the z-plane
  9. 15. The DTFT is same as the Z-transform when ‘r’ is equal to
  1. 1. The structure which uses less number of delay elements
  2. 3. The range of values of z for which X(z) converges is called
  3. 5. System whose impulse response consists of infinite number of samples
  4. 6. Z-transform converts difference equations into _________ equations
  5. 7. _________ realization used to reduce the number of multipliers for the realization of FIR systems
  6. 12. The output due to unit sample sequence is called the ________ response of the system