
  1. 1. An English philosopher who came up with the social contract theory, a theory about how people's morals and views are based on an agreement in the society they live in.
  2. 3. A Scottish inventor who invented the steam engine.
  3. 7. Newton An English mathematician and physicist who discovered gravity and the three laws of motion for physics.
  4. 9. The theory that the sun is in the center of our solar system and the other planets orbit around it.
  5. 12. An astronomer and a mathematician who proved the theory of the earth orbiting the sun.
  6. 14. The rejection of economic private property and capitalism.
  7. 15. The idea that the state in charge has political, economic, social, and cultural influence over the area it has power over.
  8. 17. A person who comes up with their own business by taking a risk to get profit from their new good or service.
  9. 18. A person whose beliefs are considered wrong by society because they don’t believe in what the society believes.
  10. 19. An economic system where industries are owned by the workers and not the private businesses.
  1. 2. The method of proving facts by testing and experimenting theories.
  2. 4. A French philosopher and writer who believed in and pushed for freedom of speech, religion, and the separation of the church and the state.
  3. 5. The belief that one person running the political power is best for the state.
  4. 6. A French judge who came up with the idea of the separation of powers, otherwise known as the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.
  5. 8. A meeting between the major European powers over who got control over what parts of Africa.
  6. 10. An English physician and philosopher who was known as one of the most influential of the enlightenment thinkers.
  7. 11. A way of a country spreading its power and influence by taking control over a foreign region's politics and economics.
  8. 13. Buildings where manufactured and processed goods are made using machines and workers who run those machines.
  9. 16. When an area becomes more city-like and developed.