
  1. 6. A french author who is alos conciderd the dounder of sociology
  2. 8. a english physition also know as the father of liberlism
  3. 11. a french writer and historian
  4. 13. somone doing religons gersy
  5. 14. a building where things are manufactored
  6. 15. he formulated laws of motion and gravitaion
  7. 18. property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  8. 19. a english philosopher and scientist
  9. 20. making things more urban
  1. 1. a smart pewroison kinda liek a chemist
  2. 2. a very acepted thing to explainnatural phenomon
  3. 3. italian, contributed to the sciance of motion and astromony
  4. 4. scotish chemist and invintor
  5. 5. Meeting at which the major European powers negotiated and formalized claims to territory in Africa
  6. 7. one single ruler has power over everyone
  7. 9. a person whomakes his own things and gets his own money
  8. 10. the idea that the sun is in the middle of the solor system
  9. 12. where a country can affect another countrys power
  10. 16. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  11. 17. making a country more powerful using military force