Marine Science Mega Crossword Extra Credit (Don't forget your name!)

  1. 4. A mass flow of water in the ocean
  2. 13. Living factor
  3. 14. Plate boundaries moving towards each other are ________.
  4. 15. Important abiotic factor of the deep ocean.
  5. 19. The smallest category of sediment based on size
  6. 20. Effect caused by Earth's rotation
  7. 21. Color of light wave that is absorbed fastest in the ocean
  8. 23. They formed the Hawaiian Islands (2 words)
  9. 24. Zone that is almost never underwater.
  10. 26. Antisocial coral
  11. 28. Water sticking to itself
  12. 29. Low point on a wave
  13. 31. Emission of light from a living organism. Think deep.
  14. 33. Lionfish in the waters of Northeast Florida (where they don't belong) are a classic example of an ________ species.
  15. 37. Resource that replenishes quickly
  16. 38. Father of plate tectonics theory
  17. 39. Relationship where both species benefit
  1. 1. The four outer planets don't have a dense inner ________.
  2. 2. Ocean that is home to the largest mountain range on earth. Mid _______ Ridge.
  3. 3. Movement of sediment parallel to the coast. Longshore _______
  4. 5. They're influenced mostly by the moon
  5. 6. Water is a ________ molecule. Or, an important marine ecosystem.
  6. 7. Non-living factor
  7. 8. Your marine science teacher
  8. 9. Important forests in the ocean
  9. 10. Members of the same species living in a given location
  10. 11. Variable that changes or is measured
  11. 12. The 7th month of the year
  12. 16. Most oil pollution in the ocean is a result of __________ from land.
  13. 17. All of the living and non-living things interacting in a given location
  14. 18. Coral's important photosynthetic buddy.
  15. 20. Production of energy from chemicals. Found in the deep ocean.
  16. 22. H2O's negative charge
  17. 25. Earth's tilt on this causes the seasons
  18. 27. Water sticking to other things
  19. 30. Members of different species living in a given location
  20. 32. Color of light wave that penetrates furthest into ocean
  21. 34. Especially high tides when the moon and sun are aligned. Also a season.
  22. 35. Are better than chains when showing feeding relationships.
  23. 36. A famous submersible. Or chipmunk.
  24. 38. A disturbance that moves over the surface of a fluid.