Units A and B Crossword

  1. 4. A kind of mirror that is curved inward in the middle.
  2. 6. When an object reflects all visible wavelengths, it appears this color.
  3. 8. A blue ________ is the international symbol for diabetes.
  4. 10. Oil, fries and chocolate are very rich in the kind of nutrient.
  5. 11. Type ____ diabetes is a kind of diabetes where the pancreas does not produce insulin.
  6. 12. The point at which rays of light meet after reflection is called a _______ point.
  7. 15. Cakes, candies, bread and potatoes are very rich in this kind of nutrient.
  8. 17. In a wave, the distance between two maxima or two minima.
  1. 1. A kind of relfection that happens on a perfectly plane mirror.
  2. 2. When an object absorbs all visible wavelengths, it appears this color.
  3. 3. The number of times that a wave vibrates in one second.
  4. 5. In a wave, the distance between the x-axis and a maximum. It has to do with the brightness of a light.
  5. 7. A hormone responsible for taking sugar from our bloodstream to our cells. It's also a protein.
  6. 9. A molecule we find in food and our cells use for energy. It's a kind of sugar.
  7. 13. Eggs, meat, milk and beans are very rich in this nutrient.
  8. 14. A kind of mirror that is curved outward in the middle.
  9. 16. Type ____ diabetes is a kind of diabetes where the cells have a resistance to insulin.