University Prep Trivia

  1. 2. The field across the street where we play a lot of our sports games.
  2. 4. UPrep originally held classes in Temple ___.
  3. 5. The UPrep mascot
  4. 8. In the 7th and 8th grade, you have the opportunity to apply for a Spring Break trip to ___.
  5. 9. At the entrance of the school, you will pass an American flag and a ___.
  6. 11. Our online classroom website (Hint- think the study of schools)
  7. 12. In 1976, ___ public school teachers founded UPrep. (Hint- it is a number!)
  8. 14. The director of the upper school.
  9. 15. Mr. ___ is the head of school.
  10. 17. We have three ___ service days throughout the year at UPrep so we can live our mission and give back to our neighbors.
  11. 18. Everyday, during 3rd period you meet in ___ to check in with your advisor.
  12. 19. In Middle School, you can study French, Spanish or ___ in your language class.
  1. 1. In the Middle School, we have more than ___ clubs to explore activities from baking to coding to legos.
  2. 3. In the fall in 6th and 7th grade and the spring in 8th grade, everyone in your grade goes on a ___ trip!
  3. 4. Mr. ___ is the 6th grade dean (and he's pretty awesome).
  4. 6. Respect, Integrity and ___ are the UPrep values.
  5. 7. In Middle School, we use ___ to access our online content and complete our work.
  6. 10. Intelectual ___ is part of our UPrep mission.
  7. 13. ___ and blue are the UPrep colors.
  8. 16. This is where we have PE classes, games, and all school assemblies.