- 5. Bug/Steel, the Cavalry Pokemon
- 9. Electric, the EleFish Pokemon, first evolution
- 10. Dragon/Ice, the Boundary Pokemon
- 11. Dark/Dragon, the Hostile Pokemon
- 12. Ground/Electric, the Trap Pokemon
- 13. Dark/Steel, the Sword Blade Pokemon
- 14. Electric/Flying, the Sky Squirrel Pokemon
- 19. Fire, the Anteater Pokemon
- 20. Bug, the Shell Out Pokemon
- 21. Ice, the Fresh Snow Pokemon
- 23. Dark/Flying, the Diapered Pokemon
- 25. Water, the Caring Pokemon
- 27. Normal, the Chinchilla Pokemon
- 29. Psychic, the Astral Body Pokemon
- 32. Electric, the EleFish Pokemon, middle evolution
- 33. Bug/Fire, the Sun Pokemon
- 36. Grass/Poison, the Mushroom Pokemon, first evolution
- 38. Steel, the Gear Pokemon, first evolution
- 39. Dark/Steel, the Sharp Blade Pokemon
- 40. Psychic, the Manipulate Pokemon
- 41. Water/Fighting, the Colt Pokemon
- 42. Bug/Steel, the Paleozoic Pokemon
- 45. Water/Ghost, the Floating Pokemon, first evolution
- 47. Bug/Electric, the EleSpider Pokemon
- 48. Rock/Fighting, the Cavern Pokemon
- 50. Grass/Poison, the Mushroom Pokemon, final evolution
- 52. Normal/Grass, the Season Pokemon, first evolution
- 54. Water/Flying, the Water Bird Pokemon
- 55. Ghost/Fire, the Candle Pokemon
- 56. Grass/Fighting, the Grassland Pokemon
- 57. Water/Ghost, the Floating Pokemon, final evolution
- 59. Ground/Ghost, the Automaton Pokemon, final evolution
- 62. Electric/Flying, the Bolt Strike Pokemon
- 63. Psychic, the Fixation Pokemon
- 65. Psychic, the Cerebral Pokemon, first evolution
- 66. Ice, the Snowstorm Pokemon
- 67. Ghost/Fire, the Lamp Pokemon
- 69. Dragon, the Axe Jaw Pokemon, final evolution
- 73. Dragon/Electric, the Deep Black Pokemon
- 74. Ground/Flying, the Abundance Pokemon
- 75. Normal, the Bash Buffalo Pokemon
- 76. Psychic, the Cerebral Pokemon, final evolution
- 1. Grass/Steel, the Thorn Seed Pokemon
- 2. Bug/Electric, the Attaching Pokemon
- 3. Bug/Steel, the Iron Ant Pokemon
- 4. Psychic, the Mitosis Pokemon
- 6. Ice, the Crystallizing Pokemon
- 7. Dragon, the Tusk Pokemon
- 8. Dragon/Fire, the Vast White Pokemon
- 12. Water/Flying, the White Bird Pokemon
- 15. Dragon, the Axe Jaw Pokemon, middle evolution
- 16. Steel/Fighting, the Iron Will Pokemon
- 17. Fighting, the Martial Arts Pokemon, first evolution
- 18. Dark/Dragon, the Brutal Pokemon
- 22. Bug/Fire, the Torch Pokemon
- 24. Ice, the Freezing Pokemon
- 26. Psychic, the Multiplying Pokemon
- 28. Ice, the Chill Pokemon
- 30. Dark/Dragon, the Irate Pokemon
- 31. Steel, the Gear Pokemon, middle evolution
- 34. Normal, the Scarf Pokemon
- 35. Bug, the Clamping Pokemon
- 37. Bug, the Snail Pokemon
- 42. Ground/Ghost, the Automaton Pokemon, first evolution
- 43. Ice, the Icy Snow Pokemon
- 44. Dragon, the Cave Pokemon
- 46. Dark/Flying, the Bone Vulture Pokemon
- 49. Electric, the EleFish Pokemon, final evolution
- 51. Normal/Grass, the Season Pokemon, final evolution
- 53. Normal/Flying, the Eaglet Pokemon
- 58. Ghost/Fire, the Luring Pokemon
- 60. Steel, the Gear Pokemon, final evolution
- 61. Flying, the Cyclone Pokemon
- 64. Grass/Steel, the Thorn Pod Pokemon
- 68. Psychic, the Cell Pokemon
- 70. Fighting, the Martial Arts Pokemon, final evolution
- 71. Normal/Flying, the Valiant Pokemon
- 72. Normal/Psychic, the Melody Pokemon