US History Review

  1. 4. invented by Eli Whitney
  2. 6. cause of the Irish emigration
  3. 7. treatment based on race or class
  4. 10. place of women's rights convention
  5. 12. wrote the 'North Star'
  6. 16. religion practiced by German immigrants
  7. 18. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a member of this movement
  8. 20. power women needed to make a difference
  9. 21. name of the first steam boat by Robert Fulton
  10. 22. opposition to immigration
  11. 23. Second Great Awakening sparked these
  12. 24. helped organize New York antislavery convention in NY
  13. 27. freed black persons
  14. 29. movement to reduce the use of alcohol
  1. 1. his knowledge sparked the Industrial Revolution
  2. 2. credited for school reform in the U.S.
  3. 3. model as to why people to leave homelands
  4. 5. conductor on Underground Railroad
  5. 8. this made urban dwellers wage earners
  6. 9. women who worked in Massachusetts textile mill
  7. 11. abolition journalist
  8. 13. women who led reform on mental hospitals and prisons
  9. 14. belief that one could build places free of social ills
  10. 15. nickname for the south's major crop
  11. 17. to abolish
  12. 19. helped reform women's education
  13. 25. poorly made, crowded apartment buildings
  14. 26. famous slave revolt that occured in 1830 in Virginia
  15. 28. invented by Samuel Morse