Rivers Flooding key terms

  1. 4. deposition often occurs inside one of these river bends
  2. 6. water can pass through
  3. 7. what rivers deposit when they slow down & lose energy
  4. 8. heavier particles may not be held in the flow all the time but may be bounced along the bed
  5. 13. the high-sided canyon a river runs through after creating a waterfall
  6. 15. rain that flows sideways through soil
  7. 17. In the process of attrition these are carried downstream, knocking against each other, wearing each other down
  8. 19. when a river is flowing at such a rate that material can no longer be supported and it sinks to the river bed.
  9. 21. water cannot pass through
  10. 22. the sheer force of the water pounding into the bed and banks can dislodge material.
  11. 23. particles are carried by the river current, some in the flow and some bounced along the river bed.
  12. 24. particles being carried downstream knock against each other, wearing each other down. This results in smaller, rounder particles downstream.
  13. 25. this effect is another way of describing abrasion
  14. 29. process of water becoming a gas
  15. 30. the direction a gorge moves after repeated waterfall formation
  16. 31. the heaviest particles are rolled along the bed. Such particles may only be moved when the river has a large volume of water in it.
  17. 32. water that runs along hard ground
  18. 33. the ridge or crest line dividing two drainage areas; the border of a drainage basin
  19. 34. process of gas becoming water
  1. 1. the combination of traction and saltation
  2. 2. the hard rock left hanging, before collapsing, when soft rock is eroded by a waterfall
  3. 3. moving water throws particles it is carrying against the bed and banks of the river which dislodges material – sand paper effect.
  4. 5. the area where water falls at high force, causing erosion of soft rock in waterfall formation
  5. 7. where particles are carried along in the flow and are not in contact with the river bed. This can often amount for 90% of the total load carried by a stream
  6. 9. a flowing together of two or more streams, rivers; the point where they join
  7. 10. Some rocks forming the banks and bed of a river are dissolved by acids in the water.
  8. 11. some minerals (particularly in limestone areas) dissolve easily in water and are not visible to the naked eye
  9. 12. water held in rock, underground
  10. 14. the type of rock that isn’t easily eroded, but will break down and be transported as part of waterfall formation
  11. 16. the science of rivers, seas, lakes, streams. Mix the words for a serpent with 9 heads + bio----.
  12. 18. loss of water from the soil both by evaporation and by transpiration from the plants growing on it
  13. 20. measured in m3/s, also known as discharge, the volume of water that passes through a point in a river. The Rhine averages 2,200 m3/s
  14. 23. a stream that flows to a larger stream or other body of water
  15. 26. the area drained by a river and all its tributaries. Also called catchment area, drainage area
  16. 27. the process of rock being gradually broken down into smaller particles by water for example.
  17. 28. the point at which a river or stream flows into a lake, sea or ocean