CFS Team

  1. 3. Who invented the light bulb (last name only)
  2. 4. Standardized coding system used to identify products
  3. 7. All pump orders must be reviewed by what team?
  4. 9. Where Chris updates your timecards
  5. 12. The hormone produced by the beta cells in our pancreas
  6. 13. Number in a baker's dozen
  7. 14. Payors may authorize access to this for insurance information
  8. 16. Ounces in a pound
  9. 17. The system in which we log insurance verification notes
  10. 18. The main type of sugar in our body
  1. 1. Name of the Animas Pump
  2. 2. Upload your policies and procedures in here
  3. 5. The DME product we provide
  4. 6. Founding father of the United States (last name only)
  5. 8. This type of puzzle
  6. 10. The statement of our J&J beliefs
  7. 11. The name of the disease we treat
  8. 15. The system that helps us cut checks