
  1. 2. I did really well on the exam.
  2. 4. Today's homework is to practice writing characters.
  3. 5. This is so cool.
  4. 6. I like writing Chinese characters.
  5. 7. I do not like reviewing grammar.
  6. 8. You’re very handsome.
  7. 10. First preview the new lesson.
  8. 12. I do my homework in the morning.
  9. 15. I read Chinese very quickly, but I cannot write Chinese characters.
  10. 16. I hate learning new words.
  11. 19. Pronunciation is really easy.
  12. 20. Can you read the text of lesson 7?
  13. 22. Do you understand Chinese?
  1. 1. How did you do on the exam?
  2. 3. I'm really good at writing, but my speaking is not good.
  3. 6. I really like to preview the next lesson.
  4. 9. I feel that pronunciation is really easy, but learning vocabulary is very hard.
  5. 11. I usually eat fruit.
  6. 13. How do you say to understand in English?
  7. 14. I write Chinese characters really slowly.
  8. 15. I have eight pens and seven pieces of paper.
  9. 16. I want to teach you tomorrow.
  10. 17. Hello everybody, how are you?
  11. 18. Where is the Chinese classroom?
  12. 21. I understand Chinese.