  1. 2. Rihanna and Drake sing this lyric a total of 79 times in their collaboration.
  2. 3. "Ohana means ______, ______ means nobody gets left behind or forgotten" - Lilo & Stitch.
  3. 4. My first is in tea but not in leaf. My second is in teapot and also in teeth. My third is in caddy but not in cosy. My fourth is in cup but not in rosy. My fifth is in herbal and also in health My sixth is in peppermint and always in wealth. My last is in drink, so what can I be?
  4. 7. A byproduct of compassionate acts.
  1. 1. The building you are currently inside of (Answer is not PRISON).
  2. 3. A song by Justin Bieber & Bloodpop. Also the title of a popular sitcom from 1994-2004 featuring Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Pheobe, Monica and Ross.
  3. 5. This is where I won't be alone, for this is where I know it's ____ .
  4. 6. There might not be an "I" in TEAM, but there is a __ !