
  1. 3. sperm producing organ
  2. 4. multicellular diploid that produces spores by meiosis
  3. 5. contains anther and filament
  4. 8. transports water from the roots to the leaves
  5. 9. seed leaf
  6. 11. loss of water through leaves
  7. 13. prevents water loss
  8. 14. produces gametes by mitosis
  9. 17. two cotyledon
  10. 18. tubes of elongated or cylindrical cells
  11. 19. used for gas exchange
  1. 1. conducts carbohydrates from areas of photosynthesis to support nonphotosynthetic areas Monocot, one cotyledon
  2. 2. egg producing organ
  3. 5. protects embryo
  4. 6. one cotyledon
  5. 7. mat of thin roots that spread below the root's surface
  6. 10. ovule covered in sporophyte tissue
  7. 12. this mesophyll absorbs light
  8. 15. outer layer of root
  9. 16. produce leaves, branches, and flowers