World War I

  1. 2. first seen in this war. Failed badly in the Somme but much more successful at the Battle of Flers
  2. 4. soldiers who fought on foot. Took many casualties from machine gun fire, poison gas and poor and out-of-date tactics. Suffered trench warfare.
  3. 7. Information given to show something or someone in a biased way
  4. 10. the name given to a new ‘breed’ of ship in the British navy
  5. 12. new type of fighting; offensive fighting
  6. 13. A law requiring men of a certain age to serve in the military
  7. 14. We call it a U-boat. Germans have another way of saying it.
  8. 15. Wilson's idea for national groups to have their own land and government
  9. 19. a limited portion or allowance of food or goods; limitation for use
  10. 20. feeling intense loyalty to one's country or group
  11. 21. goods whose importation or exportation or possession is prohibited by law
  12. 22. person morally opposed to war
  13. 24. another name of the central Powers ( Germany, A-H and Italy until 1915)
  14. 25. non-participation in war
  15. 27. usually for cowardice in the face of the enemy
  16. 28. nations mobilize all available resources in order to destroy another nation's ability to engage in war
  17. 29. unable to read or right
  18. 30. telegram sent by German foreign minster to German ambassador in Mexico, suggesting alliance that promised Mexico if war with U.S. broke out, Germany would give Mexico back the territory they lost
  19. 34. In Germany, Adolph Hitler’s ideology of ‘National Socialism’ (Nazism) offered a second authoritarian alternative to liberal democracy.
  20. 35. In the late nineteenth century, the major industrialized states used their increasing economic and technological power to build up stocks of modern weapons such as machine guns and battleships.
  21. 38. German Ambassador to Mexico who sent an infamous telegram
  22. 39. a collection of merchant ships with an escort of warships
  23. 40. helped stop the Germans from getting into France
  1. 1. Germany’s king
  2. 3. The systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets
  3. 5. another name of the allies (Great Britain, France, U.S, Russia)
  4. 6. replaced wooden obstacles at the end of the 19th century
  5. 8. name of the front line that ran through France and Belgium. For three years, as a result of trench warfare, it barely moved a great deal.
  6. 9. British ship that was sunk by German u-boat; flying an American flag and Americans on board
  7. 11. flying weapon that replaced zeppelins during WWI
  8. 15. Medical condition caused by prolonged exposure to the distressing experiences of trench warfare
  9. 16. Hitler became an advocate of fascism, an ideology that saw politics in terms of racial conflict between different nations, championed authoritarianism, and despised liberal values.
  10. 17. ended the war and but didn't do anything
  11. 18. blistering on inside and outside; mainly used to disable enemy (blindness and vomiting)
  12. 23. European nations competing with other European nations to gain land
  13. 26. Germany & Austria- Hungary against Russia & Serbia.
  14. 31. building up your nation
  15. 32. land between the British/French trenches and the German trenches.
  16. 33. temporary colonies
  17. 36. final warning made by one party to another that implies serious threat of penalties if the terms are not accepted
  18. 37. plagued soldiers from all sides in the trenches. Carried disease which could spread to soldiers.