Tiger Times Winter Olympics

  1. 3. a winter sport in which teams of 2/4 people slide down a slope in a sled
  2. 8. a sport where you do tricks on a snowboard
  3. 10. a sport in which a contestant skis downhill at great speeds
  4. 13. a sport where people attempt to do tricks while on skiis
  5. 15. a sport where people skate in choreographed routines
  6. 16. hockey on ice
  1. 1. a combination of cross-country skiing and ski jumping
  2. 2. a sport where people attempt to skate their fastest
  3. 4. a sport where one person slides extremely fast in a sledlike object
  4. 5. a sport in which people ski long distances
  5. 6. a sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting
  6. 7. a sport in which you attempt to jump as far as you can on skis
  7. 9. a sport in which people slide a smooth stone across a sheet of ice to land it in a target
  8. 11. the city where the 2018 Winter Olympics are being held
  9. 12. the country where the Winter Olympics are being held
  10. 14. another name for the luge