
  1. 2. that term of a fraction, usually written under the line, that indicates the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided; divisor. Compare numerator
  2. 4. maths to reduce (an equation, fraction, etc) to a simpler form by cancellation of common factors, regrouping of terms in the same variable, etc
  3. 5. one of two equal or approximately equal parts of a divisible whole, as an object, or unit of measure or time; a part of a whole equal or almost equal to the remainder.
  4. 7. Mathematics . an expression or a proposition, often algebraic, asserting the equality of two quantities.
  5. 8. integral, or not fractional
  6. 9. a fraction having the numerator less, or lower in degree, than the denominator.
  7. 11. a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator
  8. 14. a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  9. 15. the term of a fraction, usually above the line, that indicates the number of equal parts that are to be added together; the dividend placed over a divisor
  1. 1. one of the four equal or equivalent parts into which anything is or may be divided
  2. 3. Equivalent fractions appear to be different values, but reduce to the same simplified form. They represent the same part of a whole.
  3. 6. a fraction represented as a numerator above and a denominator below a horizontal or diagonal line.
  4. 10. a third part, especially of one
  5. 12. Number a number consisting of an integer and a proper fraction.
  6. 13. to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc.