
  1. 1. volume is the amount of ______ an object takes up
  2. 4. atoms of each element have a unique_______
  3. 5. atoms of two or more elements can combine to for ________
  4. 10. change of a mixture or material from one state of matter to another
  5. 11. the masses of the elements in a compound are always in constant ______
  6. 12. atoms cannot be _______ into smaller pieces
  7. 13. made up of atoms which make up matter
  8. 15. mass, volume and shape are the three basic _________ of matter
  9. 16. helium, water vapor and oxygen are examples
  10. 19. to get larger in size, volume or quantity
  11. 21. liquids have no definite shape but do have a definite ______
  12. 22. dust, wood and chair are examples
  13. 23. solids have _______ shape and volume
  1. 2. matter is composed of extremely small particles called______
  2. 3. formed when two or more elements combine
  3. 6. gases have _____ definite shape or volume
  4. 7. heat energy that an object has dur to themotion of its particles
  5. 8. anything that has mass and volume
  6. 9. rapid back and forth motion
  7. 13. ______ is not considered to be matter
  8. 14. he proposed that atoms have certain characteristics
  9. 15. smaller pieces of an item
  10. 17. in any element all the atoms are exactly _________
  11. 18. gasoline, milk and juice are examples
  12. 20. any of the forms or states in which matter can exist