Chapter Five

  1. 1. A provision that bears little relationship to the bill's main topic
  2. 5. An end to debate
  3. 6. A condition in which governemtn revenues are lower than expenses
  4. 10. A position held by vice president of the United States, who presides over debate in the Senate chamber
  5. 14. The redistribution of seats in the house of rerepresentatives among the states based on the results of the census
  6. 15. A tax an individual pays directly to the government
  1. 1. A vote in which each member of congress is required to publicly state his or her vote.
  2. 2. The number needed to legally conduct business
  3. 3. The people of a particular geographic area who are represented by a lawmaking body.
  4. 4. A tax levied on one person but passed on to another for payment to the governemnt
  5. 7. The most powerful member and the presiding officer of the house
  6. 8. A bill that sets aside funds for a specific purpose.
  7. 9. The drawing of district boundaries for political advantages
  8. 11. A measure taken in the house of representatives to force a bill out of committee
  9. 12. rule The tradition in the Senate in which the chair of a committee is given to the most senior majority Senator on that committee
  10. 13. The process of charging officials in the executive and judical branches with wrongdoing and bringing them to trail