DevOps for Dummies

  1. 3. technology enables people to focus on creative work, delegating routine tasks to
  2. 6. DevOps is about quickly moving ideas to
  3. 7. customers interact with systems of
  4. 10. the feedback cycles for devops practices operate
  5. 11. the critical part of adopting DevOps is adopting continuous
  6. 12. a popular and rapidly growing type of system of engagement
  7. 13. a core collaborative development capability is continuous
  8. 14. metaphor for continuous flow of value from dev to test to production
  1. 1. it's all about faster time to
  2. 2. The Rolling Stones sang "hey, you, get off of my _____"
  3. 4. all things considered, the overall goal of devops is to enable continous
  4. 5. IBM's premiere line of deployment tools
  5. 8. a DevOps culture is characterized by a high degree of
  6. 9. = development and operations