Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle.

  1. 3. A number of rigid, but moving, pieces of the Earth's surface.
  2. 6. The shaking of Earth's crust.
  3. 7. Surface along which rocks break and move.
  4. 8. The partially melted layer of the mantle that underlies the lithosphere.
  5. 9. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric plates slide past each other.
  6. 10. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates move apart.
  7. 12. States that youngest rocks of ocean floor are at divergent boundaries, moving outward.
  8. 14. The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.
  9. 15. Waves of energy that reach Earth's surface during an earthquake, travel outward from the epicenter, and move rock particles up and down, and side to side.
  10. 17. A long narrow valley on an ocean or sea floor.
  11. 18. The outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100 km.
  12. 20. Energy waves that are produced at and travel outward from the earthquake's focus.
  1. 1. Waves that travel outward from an Earthquake's focus and cause particles in rocks to move back and forth in the same direction the wave is moving.
  2. 2. A hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener that the states that continents have moved slowly to their current locations on Earth.
  3. 4. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates come together.
  4. 5. Single large landmass made up of all the continents connected together that broke apart 200 million years ago.
  5. 11. Waves that travel outward from an earthquake's focus and move through Earth by causing particles in rocks to vibrate at right angles to the direction of the wave.
  6. 13. The theory that Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken into sections.
  7. 16. In an earthquake, the point beneath Earth's surface where energy release occurs.
  8. 19. Opening in Earth's surface that often forms a mountain when layers of lava and volcanic ash erupt and build up.