winter Vocabulary

  1. 1. the wintery combination of water, snow, and mud that results from temperatures hovering right above freezing
  2. 3. a weather term that describes the warming of the temperature followed by the subsequent melting of snow and ice
  3. 5. a small object that travels on steel runners for transport over ice and snow
  4. 6. a sudden barrage of snowfall, typically short but intense
  5. 9. a cone of ice that forms when dripping water is frozen
  6. 10. a covering for the hand for when the temperature gets cold, made of cloth or other durable material. The fingers are joined.
  7. 11. solid water, formed when water is exposed to temperatures below 32 degrees
  8. 13. when snow builds up high after wind blows it around
  9. 15. the sudden release of snow and ice from a mountain, forming a thunderous freefall
  10. 19. Name of your school
  11. 20. an act that results after the temperature has dropped just below freezing
  12. 21. a covering for the hand for when the temperature gets cold, made of cloth or other durable material. The fingers are separated.
  1. 2. a quick fury of wind that is followed by intense snowfall
  2. 4. a weather term to describe moisture as it falls from the clouds
  3. 5. a sled drawn by horses or reindeer, especially one used for passengers.
  4. 6. the act of liquid becoming solid as the result of a drop in temperature
  5. 7. The grade you are in.
  6. 8. Season characterized by cold weather (in the northern hemisphere)
  7. 12. digging into material as to remove it from its current location
  8. 14. a small piece of matter, usually snow
  9. 16. cold, snowy, windy weather similar to that found in the extreme north and other bitterly cold areas
  10. 17. Name of your teacher
  11. 18. using a steel attachment to push large amounts of snow for safe travels on roadways