
  1. 1. This is the phase where cells are shifting their metabolism so they will be able to grow on a new medium.
  2. 6. What can be used to test for lyme disease?
  3. 8. Some bacteria such as Campylobacter jejuni need reduced oxygen (5% instead of 20%). What is this termed?
  4. 9. What neurotoxin causes spastic contraction of muscles ("lockjaw"),
  5. 10. can cause otitis externa in dogs and genital tract infections in horses?
  6. 11. What is unique to the Gram negative cell wall?
  1. 2. What is the process of diminishing virulence (vaccine strains)?
  2. 3. This phase, cell division occurs at maximum rate and cell numbers increase rapidly.
  3. 4. This is the process by which DNA (plasmids) are transferred from a donor to a recipient.
  4. 5. This process refers to acquisition of naked DNA from the immediate environment.
  5. 7. What bacteria show bipolar staining?