Our school's 95th anniversary

  1. 2. What are driving near the school?
  2. 5. What is in the back of our school?
  3. 8. How many English teachers do we have?
  4. 9. Which color is our school painted?
  5. 10. Who works at our school library?
  6. 11. What is the last name of the German(language)teacher?
  7. 14. What is our director's name?
  1. 1. Is our principal a man or a woman?
  2. 3. In which floor there's hall?
  3. 4. Is our canteen rather selling healthy or unhealthy food?
  4. 5. What is in the front of our school?
  5. 6. Do we have school lockers?
  6. 7. How many floors do we have?
  7. 12. In what road the school has built?
  8. 13. Is there less or more than 900 students in our school?