Crossword: Korean Banquet and Food Safety

  1. 2. Use different cutting ___ for cutting different groups of food. Colour-coding can be useful: you might use a red one for cutting raw red meat, and a green one for cutting salad vegetables.
  2. 5. (4,6) Traditional Korean meals are served with ___ ___ known as "banchan". In earlier times, ordinary people had 3 to 5 of these at the table, nobility had 7 to 9, and royalty had a whopping dozen.
  3. 8. When having a Korean ___, instead of eating a whole slab of steak by itself, I might make a parcel with a bite-sized piece of grilled meat, ssamjang (seasoned bean paste), kimchi and rice, all encased in a leaf wrap.
  4. 10. When dining with a ___ woman, a Korean would give her the straightest, most perfect cubes of radish kimchi, to signify her unborn child growing to have a straight and sound mind.
  5. 13. Confucian ideology is significant in Korean culture. For example, during mealtimes, it is respectful to let the ___ person at the table be the first to eat.
  6. 14. A Korean pickle high in fibre, good bacteria and Vitamin C. In the past, Koreans consumed this pickle to maintain their vegetable intake during their bitterly cold Korean winters when fresh vegetables were scarce.
  1. 1. Kimchi, yoghurt, Yakult and sauerkraut are examples of ___ foods that contain a beneficial bacteria called lactobacilli. Eating these foods regularly promotes gut health.
  2. 3. Never defrost frozen food on the bench top or in the sink. The safest method is to put it in the ___ and allow it to thaw slowly.
  3. 4. In the mid-1400s, King Sejong the Great commmissioned the invention of Hangul, which is what we know as the Korean alphabet. Before that, Koreans used to write using characters from the ___ language.
  4. 6. To prevent cross-contamination, raw foods should be kept ___ from cooked or ready-to-eat foods.
  5. 7. "Ssam" means ___. This Korean way of eating is a healthy way to enjoy meat balanced with an ample serve of vegetables. Lettuce leaves, sesame leaves and Chinese cabbage leaves are commonly used as ssam.
  6. 9. The five essential tastes in Korean cooking are sweet, salty, sour, ___ and hot.
  7. 11. Ann-yeong-ha-se-yo is a common Korean ___, just like "hello" for English.
  8. 12. Rice wrapped in seaweed is known as kimbap in Korean cuisine, and as ___ in Japanese cuisine.