Winter Sports

  1. 1. Similar to field hockey...but on ice.
  2. 2. Canadian sport on ice, using a rubber ring instead of hockey puck
  3. 4. Ice hockey's paraolympic counterpart
  4. 6. Combine with with archery and you have ski archery
  5. 8. With roots in BMX & skateboarding, this sport is full of action
  6. 9. Speed ____________ (7 letters)
  7. 10. Skiing and shooting... all in one sport
  8. 11. ballet on skis
  9. 13. Part of the winter olympics, also called freeskiing
  10. 15. Face up, feet first on a sled
  11. 16. Racing down a steep, bumpy snow course
  12. 18. A double-wide ski for two feet instead of one
  13. 19. ski________ (8 letters)
  14. 22. Could be a child's favorite snow-related pastime.
  15. 23. Skating on the snow?
  16. 26. Flying off the end of a launch ramp with skis attached
  17. 28. Skiing between poles or gates
  18. 29. If the leader of the team barks, you may be doing this
  19. 30. Similar to Nordic skiing, the heel of this boot is attached
  20. 31. Racing with snowmobiles
  1. 1. Racing on a snow board?
  2. 3. Shuffleboard on ice with stones
  3. 5. Five events in the winter comprise this
  4. 7. snow surfing
  5. 8. It started out in Scandinavian countries with reindeers
  6. 12. Bicycle-type thing with skis instead of wheels
  7. 13. __________ skating (6 letters)
  8. 14. Snow ______________ (8 letters)
  9. 17. A movie was made about this ultimate underdog team from Jamaica
  10. 20. What you get when number and archery come together
  11. 21. Who doesn't want to throw one of these?
  12. 24. Who would have thought you could use a Chinese kitchen pan on a bobsled track to do this?
  13. 25. Winter sport with a name like our bones
  14. 27. Similar to Alpine skiing, the heel of the boot for this one is NOT attached